
Blog | Prezentor Insights


How do you spend your time in sales?

Every day we meet sales professionals that spend their evenings preparing sales presentations, and delay sending followup emails because it’s time consuming to cut the irrelevant slides out of the powerpoint presentation before sending it off to the customer. Or even worse, because they don’t have enough time, they settle with a sales presentation that

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Share the experience with the new Snapshot feature!

Snapshot, translations and much more. Don’t miss our latest release, we love it and hope you will too!  New! Snapshot feature Take a snapshot of your slides and calculations and easily add them to your email or agenda. You can send the snapshots as functional slides (Prezentor slide) where the calculation you send is the default

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Customise your presentations with Arrange Slides

With the new “Arrange slides” features in the iOS and desktop app it is possible to customise your presentation with only the slides that you need for a specific meeting. How it works? Simply select the slides you want to use and rearrange them in the order that suits your sales pitch. Klick save, add

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